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Health Management Requirements
Visit: Health Management Requirements


Companies have legal obligations to ensure their employees work in a safe and healthy environment. This video will help you navigate through the Japanese health management requirements.

Regulations from the labor standards office require companies to have a health management program that includes:
 • Eight activities types
  occurring on a weekly, monthly, annual, and ad-hoc basis

 • Employees with assigned roles
  some of which require a license or training

 • An industrial physician
  to review and advise

 • A health clinic
 that performs the health check required for all employees

 • Seven report types
 that must be kept for 3 to 5 years

 • Four report types
 that must be filed with the labor standards office

The required mix of activities and people is determined by your company type and number of employees.

The regulations are very comprehensive. So, how can your HR person make sure that your company is meeting all of the Japanese health management regulations?

Health Management Requirements (1:36)
HTM has created a Health Management Guide. This guide allows you to identify the requirements specific to your type of business, as well as, the activities and personnel necessary to fulfill those requirements. You can access this guide on our website anytime.

Let's go to our website. Go to Resources and click on Learning Center. On this page, you can watch other videos on different back-office subjects in Japan.

To access health management requirements, go to the guide, find health management, click on the main image, to get to our health management guide.

You first choose your company type and number of employees.

There are 3 categories under company type: Office, Retail, and Construction. If you mouseover to each category, you can see more details.

For the number of employees, you can choose from 1 to 3,000 employees. Even for a company with 1 employee, there are still 2 requirements, the annual health check, and incident reporting, such as injuries and workplace accidents.

Once you have 50 or more employees, all of the 8 activities will be required.

Let's choose the company in office with 50 employees as an example to look at their requirements in this guide.

The first column shows all of the 8 activities. As the activity changes, the requirements change.

Health Check (3:35)
All companies, regardless of the size, are required to have annual health check done. Let's click on the annual health check.

The second column shows the activity requirements. Here you can see the information about the required personnel and what actions should to be taken.

The fourth column shows the process flow of that activity.

Employees go to the health clinic to take the health check. Based on the results, the industrial physician prepares the summary report and provide it to the company along with their feedback. The company then must submit the summary report to the labor standards office.

The company is required to keep the reports for 5 years. Since the health check contains employees' highly sensitive health information, the reports must be kept in the limited access storage.

Workplace Inspection (4:43)
The company is also required to ensure the safety of the employees at the workplace. Another important required activity is workplace inspection.

You can click on the activity, and again you can see the specific requirements for the workplace inspection. That includes walking through the office to see there is no safety hazards, and check if the office environment, such as temperature and humidity, is meeting the government standards.

Workplace inspection is done monthly by the industrial physician. The inspection is also required to be done on a weekly basis by the company's health officer.

The workplace inspection records must be kept by the company for 3 years. Any findings from the inspections must be discussed within the company and necessary actions should be taken to improve the office environment.

Those are 3 of 8 activities required in the Japanese health management system. This guide takes you through specific requirements for all 8 activities. It also shows total annual requirements including the required personnel, some of which require a license or training, activities, and reports.

As you can see, this list is quite extensive. HTM can help your company manage all of this information to ensure you stay compliant with the Japanese health regulations.

If you are interested in this service, or any of our other back-office services, please contact us.

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