Services Overview
Our outsourced services include accounting, payroll, HR, employee expenses processing, employee attendance recording, order processing, legal administration and financial control.
Based in Tokyo Japan, HTM’s outsourced services provide trained people, documented processes, and bilingual (Japanese and English) systems to foreign companies with offices in Japan.
HTM specializes in
Japan Human Resources
HTM maintains all employee records needed for regulatory reporting in Japanese and for client management in both English and Japanese. Maintained information includes employee’s personal information, employee’s department and cost center, housing arrangements, dependents information, employee agreements, and work rules. This information is available in the HTM Business Information Portal.
More on japan human resources services
Japan Payroll & Social Insurance
Our payroll and social insurance service assures excellent internal control and security for sensitive information.- HTM manages the complete payroll and social insurance processing including all calculations, payments, forecasting of cash requirements, and expatriate compensation.
- Employees' attendance time, including overtime, is recorded using a web-based system that incorporates management approval.
- A preliminary English payroll report along with a cash requirement report is sent to the client for approval.
- Once the payroll is approved, pay slips (either Japanese or English) are sent to employees and the payroll amount is deposited in the employees bank account.
- HTM manages all reports and payments required by the social insurance and tax offices.
- The complete payroll history is available in English online in the HTM Business Information Portal.
- More on japan payroll services
Japan Accounting
HTM’s outsourced accounting service provides tight internal control and excellent transparency.- Accounting is done to meet both Japanese and your home office requirements.
- Vendor payments are done only on original invoices that are properly approved by the client.
- Accounting reports are done using the client’s chart of accounts
- Accounting reports include the balance sheet, income statement, trial balance, and detailed schedules for all balance sheet accounts.
- An aging report is provided for accounts receivable.
- Accounting information is provided in English for the client and Japanese for Japanese tax authorities.
- The HTM Business Information Portal provides accounting information in both standard text format and in graphical form for analysis.
- All accounting information is downloadable for uploading to the home office accounting system.
- More on japan accounting services
Japan Employee Expense Reporting
Employees record their expenses using HTM’s Bilingual (Japanese and English) web-based expense reporting system. Receipts are sent to HTM in a self-addressed prepaid envelope where HTM matches the receipts to the employee's entered expense, and notifies the manager. Once the manager approves, HTM reimburses the employee. The complete employee expense history is available online in the HTM Business Information Portal. An accounting report, using the clients account codes, is sent monthly as part of the monthly accounting package.
More on japan employee expense accounting services
Japan Financial Control
HTM’s outsourced financial control provides excellent internal control. HTM prepares daily bank transactions, monthly cash requirements, annual budgets, monthly forecasts, and variance reports. This financial control information is available in text, graphical, and downloadable formats in HTM’s Business Information Portal. All information is in English except for daily bank transactions, which can be seen in English in the monthly detailed accounting reports. Payments are made only on original and client approved invoices by our Treasury Group that is segmented physically and organizationally from our Accounting and Payroll Groups.
More on japan financial control
Business Information Portal
provides clients with all the back-office information concerning their Japanese operation. Accounting, payroll, and employee expense information is shown in English both in text reports and in graphical form. These visualizations provide a several year overview and the ability to drill down to individual transactions with 3 or 4 clicks. In addition, the portal gives access to tax and legal filings in both Japanese and English.
All your accounting, payroll & HR information and more in one location
The Business Information Portal (BIP)
The Business Information Portal (BIP) is your one stop for all the data and analysis you need to know about your operation in Japan; Sales, Expenses, HR, Finance, Payroll, Tax, Legal, and Administration. Using the Business Information Portal, you will be able to see trends over years of data through charts and visualizations, drill down to an individual transaction, or look up important documents.
The BIP Menu
All business information relating to your Japanese operation is accessible from the BIP menu. The BIP menu is organized by the following categories of your Japan office: sales, operations, employee expenses, human resources, finance, payroll, tax, legal and administration.

The BIP Sub-Menus

Each category is broken down into 3 groups:
- Reports displays reports in standard format.
- Analysis provides interactive dashboards to examine and understand your data.
- References contains documents such as company registrations and legal contracts in pdf format.
Standard reports such as balance sheets and income statements can be seen directly from the BIP in the Reports section. A date slider makes it possible to quickly view other months. The reports can also be exported as a PDF or as a crosstab into Excel.


The Analysis section offers interactive "views" of your business data.
Drill Down
Click the graphic element of interest to filter and drill down to see something in greater detail.


The BIP References section contains important company documents in PDF such as the company registration certificate. You can view the document directly from a popup viewer or download a copy for reference.
Documents In English
In the References sections you will also find English versions of important company documents such as tax returns, company registration, and tax and social insurance office registrations.

Web Based System

The Business Information Portal is a web-based system so it is accessible from anywhere you can get online.
Only members with access to sensitive data are given unique encrypted entry.