HR Services in Japan - Outsourcing by HTM
Human Resources Service
Our Human Resources Services, outsourced from Tokyo and covering all Japan, provide consulting, administration, and processing for social insurance, hiring and terminations, work rules, and pension plans. Your employees are assisted in managing their HR and social insurance information by HTM Japanese staff. Our HR Management Services includes:
Social Insurance Administration
Our social insurance administration service covers health, pension, and labor insurance administration. This human resources service includes recording and filing changes in employee's personal information, kept in an HTM database, and preparing the annual social insurance reports required for filing with the Japanese government. HTM can also manage your social insurance and tax office payments.
Hiring and Terminations
Our Hiring and Terminations are done in accordance with your corporate human resources procedures and in compliance with local regulatory requirements. We can assist you in working through the process to ensure that these needs are met.
Vacation and Sick Time
Vacation and Sick Time is tracked with our online bilingual outsourcing system and can be reviewed and approved by the employee's assigned manager.
Work Rules
Work Rules must be prepared and filed with the labor standards office when a company has 10 or more employees. We work with you and your key employees to create a set of work rules that are meaningful, in alignment with your corporate culture, and in accordance with local government regulations.
Overtime Reporting is available through our online bilingual outsourcing system. All work time is maintained in our database, which allows for easy access to reporting on human resources areas such as overtime, as well as analysis by group and individual over any time period.
Pension Plans
Pension Plans must meet government requirements. Your company may also provide plans that are in addition to the minimum requirements. HTM can advise your company on the proper setup of these plans, as well as assist with the ongoing administration.
Human Resources Reporting
The Business Information Portal (BIP) provides online in the human resources section a bilingual employee address list as well an interactive view displaying standard HR data such a turnover rate, employee movement, employee numbers, start and end dates as well as OT eligibility.
Address List In English
In the human resources section of the Business Information Portal you will find an address list of all current employees in English.

Address List In Japanese

The same address list is also switchable to Japanese using the language filter located in the top right of the window.
Head Count Analysis
Available is a head count analysis that tracks employees' status and details. The default view is for the previous 12 months but can be custom set to anything using the the time frame filter located at the top left.

Details On Demand

Click on the latest month to display the details of all current employees, including employee number, name,gender, age, job class, OT eligibility, and start and end dates.